Genevieve - Whether you’re looking to book your local or touring band, are a local promoter seeking a top quality venue for your event, or an out of town promoter looking to add Hamilton to your list of cities to book, here at Vertagogo we have a strong team to help maximize your events exposure and make sure it runs smoothly. Our in-house promotion for every event includes: -Street Postering, shop window postering, and put up posters in the venue. -A printed calendar of upcoming events handed to every patron that comes through the doors -a Facebook event made on our page with each band and promoter added as co-hosts -the Facebook event page and poster posted in the various local Facebook groups a minimum of 3 times prior to your event -Advance tickets sold through which includes the possibility of extra press and interviews conducted by their writers if you want to handle your own pre-sale tickets please let us know! It’s not mandatory! (we provide a sales recap and payout from advance ticketsales before the event ends) -Instagram posts and story posts through the @Vertagogo_promo account. -group chats for each event’s acts as needed to share backline, load in & parking instructions, begin gear shares, share promotional materials etc. -Bands can opt in to participate in additional press via interviews in the upcoming online blog “Vertagogo Verbatim” -Most shows have live video clips taken and bands are tagged creating new live music footage they can use. -raw audio off the floor recordings -Advice and curation of lineups as needed -optional poster design if needed Our barstaff is made up of experienced and successful promoters, former bar owners and managers, tour managers, experienced musicians and die-hard music enthusiasts. When you book a show at Vertagogo, you don’t just have a venue, you have multiple teams of people doing everything they can to make your event as successful and easy to run as possible regardless of it’s an in-house or outside booking.